Moving And Storing Sculptures And Special 3D Artwork: A Simple Guide

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Storing Smarter Without Making It Harder

When it comes to cleaning out your home, there aren't many things more challenging than trying to figure out how to store everything properly without damaging them. I found myself in this situation a few months ago, and I knew that having a clean house wouldn't compare to the joy of being able to go through and enjoy things that were preserved for the long haul. I started doing some research on keeping things safe and clean, and I learned a lot about storing smarter without making things a lot more difficult. This blog is here to help anyone who needs to store to do it better--without making things difficult.

Moving And Storing Sculptures And Special 3D Artwork: A Simple Guide

27 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Having to put your beloved sculptures and 3D artwork in storage while you're moving is not ideal, but sometimes life happens. These items can be fragile and prone to damage if the temperature or humidity levels fluctuate, so you need to be very careful with them. Here are some tips to help ensure they survive the transportation and time in storage and then emerge looking their best.

Invest in crates or plastic totes.

Cardboard boxes just don't offer enough support and stability. If something were to bang into the side of a cardboard box, it could break your art through the box. At the very least, you want to purchase a hard-sided plastic tote box for each item. If you can get a hard wooden crate to put the plastic tote inside, this will offer yet another layer of protection. The plastic will keep out any moisture and pesky insects, and the wooden crate will resist bending so if something knocks into it, the items inside are not jarred.

Opt for climate control.

Many of the pigments used to paint sculptures and other art pieces are very sensitive to temperature and humidity changes. Your piece may emerge looking streaky or spotty if you're not careful. So always choose climate-controlled storage rather than an outdoor unit. You want a climate-controlled facility where they keep the rooms around 65–70 degrees F, just like your home.

Tell your movers what is in the crates.

Don't just leave the crates with your other items for your movers to transport. Tell them that the crates contain delicate artwork. Your movers will then know to treat the items with care. Label the crates distinctly, too, so that anyone who handles them knows they are fragile.

If you are transporting your artwork yourself rather than hiring movers, have plenty of help so you can carefully lift the crates into the moving truck and set them down without banging anything. Secure the boxes inside the moving truck with some straps so they don't slide.

Store them off the ground.

You never know when a bottle of cleaning solution might spill or a pipe might spring a leak. Having your art up off the ground will reduce the risk it's exposed to water. This is especially important if it's not in a plastic tote. Stack your crates on pallets or shelves, depending on their size.

Follow these tips, and your sculptures and other 3D art should still be in good shape after storage.